I use my experience in high-tech Research Engineering and active practice in the Visual Arts using traditional methods, computer graphics programing and math, to develop and teach K-12 in-school residencies that integrate Art into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) curricula targeted to meet CT state and district standards. This STEAM approach engages students through multiple intelligences, with activities that strongly relate STEM subjects to student interests in computers, digital media and the Arts. I also give Teacher Workshops on the education methods and tools that I use which are CEU accredited and qualify for graduate college credits. I am also available for workshops and lectures about my work for presentation to the general public for all ages.
I. Fun With Freaky Fractals and Digital Media (Connecticut Library Consortium Library Resource Online Catalog: http://performers.ctlibrarians.org/listings/search/results.php?id=1738)
Art is about patterns of color, Math is about patterns of numbers, and Computers can be used to easily make fantastic patterns of color from patterns of numbers. We’ll learn to use a computer to make beautiful and colorful art using simple math, print posters, and make screen-savers, save images as desktop wallpaper and more. We’ll also get firsthand behind-the-scenes understanding of just what is all this Digital Media that surrounds us and even learn a little programming using a free simple but powerful modern language designed for non-technical people to let them creatively ‘Draw with Code’. Required Resources: Computer (desktop or portable, Mac or Windows) for each participant with free software XaoS and Processing installed (download instructions to be provided), projector or large screen display with computer interface, projection screen, podium/desk for instructor’s laptop computer
(More to be added shortly; please check back soon…)
I enojoyed your talk at the East Lyme Library last night.
Thought you would like this link:
which might illustrate some color concepts.
There is a lot of free software that is related. See
My views on free software :
Roger! I hope you remember me from this past summer’s HOT Schools Institute.
I was just contacted by the ND Council of Science and Math Teachers who are seeking presenters for their first STEAM conference. Thought of you! Any chance you might be interested in presenting a few hands-on workshops in ND on March 20-21? If so, what is your fee?
Rebecca Engelman
Arts in Education Director
ND Council on the Arts
Hi you handsome bugger!!!
I have two students that would love to have you mentor them this year.
Drop me a line or drop by.
Chuck Boucher
PS. you rock!
I ran into Constance Kristofik, from the New London Landmarks group who suggested you might be interested in advising my students. I am the coach of three FLL Challenge teams (ages 9-13). Every year our theme changes and this year our theme is incorporating Art into STEM. I couldn’t believe it when I saw you teach a class on this exact subject! The teams have been working on ideas and would love your expertise in evaluating them. Thank you, Fini